Monday, September 10, 2012

First Week @ MTC

We had a great time visiting with my parents this weekend.  They spent the week at the MTC doing "Preach My Gospel" training.  We received some texts last week while they were gone.  They said that they were loving the Spirit at the MTC. 

We did a practice web chat yesterday with many members of our immediate family so we could all chat with my parents while they were in Germany.  It was a little crazy with so many people trying to talk all at once.  We probably won't do such a big chat very often.  But it was fun to hear about some of their experiences at the MTC.  One thing they learned was K.I.S.S...whick means Keep It Simple...Seniors;)  That's probably a good lesson for all of us when sharing the Gospel.  We don't have to get into all the really deep doctrine.  Just share the simple truths and let the Spirit do the teaching.

Well, they are back at the MTC today for their CES training for the next few days.  Looking forward to hearing all about it. 
Just 7 more days to go until they leave for Germany.  But who's counting:)

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