Saturday, October 27, 2012

27 October 2012


This morning we woke up to snow (not much yet) on the ground!  And it's still coming down.  It's likely to keep snowing thru the weekend.  We have a big YSA weekend at the center.  Last night we had a movie night with the film, The Ultimate Gift.  Had a great message, which we discussed in groups afterwards and then reported to the main group.  Today is a service project, plus your Mom is making chicken carbonara for about 35-40 people.  Tomorrow, Sunday, rather than attending their own home wards, the singles will gather at the institute for their own singles ward.  Mom will be teaching Rel. Sociey in English, and I will be teaching priesthood, in German.  That should be interesting.

We are hurrying to get over to the institute this a.m. to put finishing touches on our lessons and to cut up the chicken, wash the lettuce, and get the linguini cooked ahead of time.  Dinner is at 6 pm, but there's a lot to do beforehand, such as decorating the tables with gourds, pumpkins, and fall leaves, which your mom has been collecting the past weeks.  Should be just like home.  Also she has committed to prepare Thanksgiving dinner for 24 single young missionaries on the Monday before Thanksgiving, their P-day.  Transfers occur on Thanksgiving Day, so an earlier date is necessary.  She has already been advised that one of the YSA gals from the millitary ward has purchased 2 frozen turkeys from the Commissary for her to use that day.  Your mom is really finding her niche here at the Center.  Everyone loves her and her cooking.  It's a job to try to keep up with her.

We send our love and hope you are happy and working hard to make life wonderful for you and yours.  We miss you terribly and can't wait to see you whenever it is possible.  Now that we have internet in the apartment, we'll soon be able to skype and use our Vonage account.  We still need to get wi-fi working to be able to use Vonage.  That will have to wait until after this big weekend.

Lots of love,

Mom & Dad

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